HSE Regulations on Use of Products Containing Diisocyanates

HSE Regulations on Use of Products Containing Diisocyanates

As part of Unova’s commitment to providing you with high quality products while ensuring the safety of all users, we have to bring to your attention the regulations which have recently been imposed by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). This affects any operatives using products containing a diisocyanate concentration of 0.1% or above.

It is now mandatory for all operatives handling products with a diisocyanate concentration of 0.1% or above to undergo training by accredited providers to ensure they are competent in the use of these products. The purpose of this training is to equip the operatives with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle these products safely and responsibly.

At Unova, we take safety seriously, and we are committed to complying with all relevant regulations to safeguard the wellbeing of our customers and end users. We believe that proper training is essential in mitigating potential risks and ensuring the safe usage of our products.

The products which Unova currently supplies with a diisocyanate concentration of 0.1% or above are as follows:

  • HA400 Activator
  • HA402 Activator
  • HA405 Activator
  • HA406 Activator
  • HA410 Activator
  • HA503 Activator
  • HA504 Activator
  • HA505 Activator
  • HA507 Activator


To ensure compliance with these HSE regulations, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Identify all operatives in your organisation who handle products with diisocyanate concentration of 0.1% or above.
  2. Ensure that these operatives undergo training from authorised training providers as soon as possible. (https://www.safeusediisocyanates.eu/ provides accredited training for this purpose).
  3. Keep records of the training certifications and make them readily available for inspection if required.

We firmly believe that these regulations will lead to a safer working environment for everyone involved. If you have any questions or require assistance in finding authorised training providers, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team here at Unova.